An Interactive Annotated World Bibliography of Printed and Digital Works in the History of Medicine and the Life Sciences from Circa 2000 BCE to 2022 by Fielding H. Garrison (1870-1935), Leslie T. Morton (1907-2004), and Jeremy M. Norman (1945- ) Traditionally Known as “Garrison-Morton”

16032 entries, 14099 authors and 1944 subjects. Updated: October 19, 2024

Browse by Publication Year 1670–1679

77 entries
  • 383

Spicilegium anatomicum.

Amsterdam: sumpt. A. Frisii, 1670.

Kerckring made important investigations on the development of the foetal bones. He was the first to describe the large ossicle sometimes present at the lambdoidal suture; his name is remembered in the valvulae conniventes of the small intestine, previously described by Fallopius.

Subjects: ANATOMY › 17th Century, ANATOMY › Anatomical Illustration
  • 4839

Affectionum quae dicuntur hystericae e hypochondriacae pathologia spasmodica vindicata…

London: Jacob Allestry, 1670.

In this treatise on hysteria and hypochondria, Willis showed that hysteria was a nervous disease and not a uterine disorder as had been traditionally believed. He compared hysteria in women to hypochondria in men. He considered the key feature of hysteria to be the “fit” or episodic disturbance of sensation short of “universal convulsions” and classified it under convulsive diseases. This caused hysteria to be linked with epilepsy as in Charcot’s hybrid, “hystero-epilepsy”.

Subjects: NEUROLOGY › Epilepsy, PSYCHIATRY › Hysteria, PSYCHIATRY › Neuroses & Psychoneuroses
  • 3246

Dissertatio de origine catarrhi in qua ostenditur illum non provenire a cerebro. IN: Tractatus de corde, pp. 221-39.

London: typ. J. Redmayne, 1670.

With Schneider, Lower overthrew the idea that nasal mucus originated in the brain. This discovery localized nasal catarrh in the air passages and put an end to the use of many recipes for “purging the brain”. The Dissertatio was reprinted separately in 1672 and this was reprinted in facsimile with translation, biographical notes, and a bibliographical study by Richard Hunter and Ida Macalpine, 1963.

Subjects: OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Rhinology
  • 7123

De bibliothecis incendio. Dissertatio ad filios.

Copenhagen: Petrus Haubold, 1670.

As a result of the burning of his home and the destruction of his library, which included numerous unpublished manuscripts on a wide range of subjects, Bartholin published  what was intended to be work of self-consolation. He recounted examples in history of other library losses through fire, and catalogued and summarized the vast amount of his intellectual work that was "lost to Vulcan." He also consoled himself with a bibliographical list of his works that had already been published in print, and thus had their content protected from catastrophic loss from fire. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link. For further details see the entry at at this link.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Catalogues of Physicians' / Scientists' Libraries
  • 9286

Catalogus plantarum Angliae, et insularum adjacentium: tum indigenas, tum in agris passim cultas complectens.

London: J. Martyn, 1670.

Includes some ethnobotanical notes regarding medical remedies. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: BOTANY › Catalogues of Plants, BOTANY › Ethnobotany, COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › England (United Kingdom)
  • 2197

Praxeos medicae idea nova. 4 vols.

Leiden & The Hague: apud viduam J. Le Carpentier, 16711674.

Sylvius was a supporter of the Iatrochemical School. At Leiden he established the first university chemical laboratory in Europe. His extensive treatise on the diseases of children was first published as volume 4 of this set as De Morbis infantum et aliis quibusdam memoratu dignis affectibus. Editus cura Justi Schraderi (1674). In that work Sylvius expressed his ideas about gastro-intestinal acidity as the cause of infantile disease.

Subjects: Medicine: General Works, PEDIATRICS
  • 2726.1

Embryo monstro affinis Parisiis dissectus.

Acta med. philos. Hafniensia, 1, 202-03., 16711672.

First known description of the “tetralogy of Fallot” (see No. 2792). Reprinted in his Opera philosophica, ed. W. Maar, Vol. 2, Copenhagen, V. Tryde, 1910, pp. 49-53. For translation see Proc. Mayo Clin., 1948, 23, 317.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › Congenital Heart Defects
  • 5405

Globus vitulinus.

Misc. Curiosa sive Ephem. nat. cur., Jenae, 2, 181-82, 1671.

First authentic report on variolation.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Smallpox › Variolation or Inoculation
  • 6156.1

The midwives book: or the whole art of midwifery discovered.

London: Miller, 1671.

The first book written by an English midwife. Sharp was the most accomplished midwife of 17th-century England. Scholarly, extensively annotated edition edited by Jane Hobby, New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.

Subjects: OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY › OBSTETRICS, OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY › OBSTETRICS › Midwives, WOMEN in Medicine & the Life Sciences, Publications About, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1500 - 1799
  • 6491.9

Les secrets de la médecine des chinois, consistant en la parfaite connoissance du pouls. Envoyez de la Chine par un françois, homme de grand mérite.

Grenoble: Philippes Charuys, 1671.

The first Western book on Chinese medicine, with a few brief comments on Japanese methods. This anonymous collection of translations of early Chinese texts on pulse medicine has been variously attributed to different Jesuits working in China at the time. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › China, People's Republic of, Chinese Medicine
  • 294.1

Esperienze intorno a diverse cose naturali…

Florence: All’Insegno della Nave, 1671.

Includes the first scientific study of an electric fish. While the torpedo’s peculiar properties had provoked scientific speculation since at least the time of Aristotle, Redi was the first to perform an actual dissection of the fish for scientific purposes. He was the first to locate and examine the torpedo’s electric organs.

Subjects: COMPARATIVE ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY › Electrophysiology, ZOOLOGY, ZOOLOGY › Ichthyology
  • 295

Mémoires pour servir à l’histoire des animaux. 2 vols.

Paris: Imprimerie Royale, 16711676.

Perrault was the leader of a team of comparative anatomists that included Guichard Joseph Duverney, Jean Pecquet, Moyse Charas and Philippe de la Hire; they were often called the “Parisians” in contemporary literature because of their membership in the Académie Royale des Sciences. Their investigations began with a thresher shark and lion from the royal menagerie and went on to encompass forty-nine vertebrate species. “Although some of the discoveries on which the Parisians most prided themselves—including the nictitating membrane that Perrault first observed in a cassowary, the external lobation of the kidneys in the bear, and the castoreal glands of the beaver—had been observed earlier, no such detailed and exact descriptions and illustrations had been published before” (Dictionary of Scientific Biography). In the spirit of rationalism, Perrault and his team investigated and debunked many popular myths attached to certain species, such as the legend that salamanders live in fire or that chameleons subsist on air. They also recorded their methods of work along with their results, providing the only contemporary disclosure of how such anatomical research was conducted in the seventeenth century. The Mémoires were originally issued in two parts in 1671 and 1676; they were later reissued in 1676 (with slight changes) as one volume with a new title-leaf. The two volumes of the Mémoires contain descriptions of twenty-nine species, including the lion, the chameleon, the shark, the lynx, the porcupine, the eagle, the cormorant and the ostrich.

  • 4512

Naturae genius, medicorum Celsus, Jason Argonautarum, Bauschius occubuit.

Misc. Cur. med.-phys. Acad. nat. cur., Jenae, 2, 1671.

First authentic case of trigeminal neuralgia. It concerned J. L. Bausch, who died from the condition in 1665. The account is to be found in the unpaged part of the volume, starting at sig. d 3 and occupying the two following pages.

Subjects: NEUROLOGY › Chronic Pain › Trigeminal Neuralgia, NEUROLOGY › Diseases of the Nervous System, PAIN / Pain Management
  • 10124

Voyage des pais septentrionaux: Dans lequel se void [sic] les moeurs, maniere de vivre, & superstitions des Norweguiens, Lappons, Kiloppes, Borandiens, Syberiens, Samojedes, Zembliens, & Islandois, enrichi de plusieurs figures.

Paris: Louis Vendosme, 1671.

Translated into English as A new voyage into the northern countries being a discription of the manners, customs, superstition, buildings, and habits of the Norwegians, Laponians, Kilops, Borandians, Siberians, Samojedes, Zemblans, and Islanders : with reflexions upon an error in our geographers about the scituation and extent of Greenland and Nova Zembla. (London: Printed for John Starkey, 1674). Digital facsimile of the 1671 edition from the Internet Archive at this link. Full text of the 1674 edition from at this link.

Subjects: ANTHROPOLOGY › Cultural Anthropology, COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Arctic, VOYAGES & Travels by Physicians, Surgeons & Scientists
  • 12881

Thermarum Aquisgranensium et porcetanarum descriptio. Congruorum quoque ac salubrium usuum balneationis et potationis elucidatio, opera.

Aachen: Anton Metternich, 1671.

An extenisvely illustrated work promoting the medicinal value of the sulphur springs of Aachen and Burscheid. Blondel devoted his life to the promotion of the medicinal value of these springs, becoming inspector of the springs in 1666. Since Roman times these springs had been known to provide relief against rheumatism, gout and scrofulous disorders. This work was reprinted and translated several times in the 17th century with testimonials from German and Dutch physicians. Digital facsimile of the 1688 edition from Google Books at this link.

  • 13629

De l'usage du caphe, du the, et du chocolate.

Lyon: Jean Girin et Barthelemy Riviere, 1671.

The Library of Congress attributes this anonymous work to Philippe Sylvestre Dufour, but characterizes Jacob Spon as the "supposed author." They also state as follows:   "Attributed also to Jacob Spon. cf. Paris. Bibl. nat. Cat.-  "La première partie de cet ouvrage est traduite du traité de Naironi sur le café: seconde est extraite de P. Alexandre de Rhodes, de Nieuhoff; la troisième est une réimpression de la traduction par René Moreau de l'ouvrage de Antoine Colmenero."--Nouvelle biographie générale, t. 15, col. 68.-  An additional part, "Du chocolate dialogue," is from the Spanish of Bartolomeo Marradon."

Digital facsimile from at this link.

Subjects: PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Botanic Sources of Single Component Drugs › Chocolate, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Botanic Sources of Single Component Drugs › Coffee, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Botanic Sources of Single Component Drugs › Tea
  • 384

Anatomia chirurgica.

Rome: A. Ercole, 1672.

First book devoted entirely to surgical anatomy.

Subjects: ANATOMY › 17th Century, SURGERY: General
  • 1209

De mulierum organis generationi inservientibus.

Leiden: ex. off. Hackiana, 1672.

De Graaf demonstrated ovulation anatomically, pathologically and experimentally. In the above work he included the first account of the “Graafian follicle”. Translation of Chapter XII, dealing with the ovaries, by G. W. Corner in Essays in biology in honor of Herbert M. Evans, Berkeley, 1943. Complete English translation of this and No. 1210 by H.D. Jocelyn and B.P. Setchell, J. Reprod. Fertil., Suppl. 17, 1972.

Subjects: ANATOMY › 17th Century, Genito-Urinary System
  • 1211

Miraculum naturae, sive uteri muliebris fabrica.

Leiden: apud S. Mathaei, 1672.

After de Graaf published his work on ovulation (No. 1209), Swammerdam asserted his priority in the above work, noting that his researches had been acknowledged in 1668 by van Horne.

Subjects: Genito-Urinary System
  • 1826.1

New-Englands rarities discovered: in birds, beasts, fishes, serpents, and plants of that country. Together with the physical and chyrurgical remedies wherewith the natives constantly use to cure their distempers, wounds, and sores…

London: G. Widdowes, 1672.

The first detailed account of the natural history and botany of North America, including the first extensive study of native North American medicine.

Subjects: BIOLOGY › Ethnobiology, BOTANY, BOTANY › Ethnobotany, COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › United States , COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › United States › American Northeast, NATIVE AMERICANS & Medicine, ZOOLOGY, ZOOLOGY › Ichthyology, ZOOLOGY › Ornithology
  • 1769

De aere, locis, et aquis terrae Angliae; deque morbis Anglorum vernaculis. Cum observationibus ratiocinatione & curandi method illustratis.

London: T. Roycroft et J. Martyn, 1672.

An outline of the medical topography of England.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › England (United Kingdom), Geography of Disease / Health Geography
  • 1544
  • 4513
  • 4730
  • 4793
  • 4919
  • 4966

De anima brutorum

Oxford: R. Davis, 1672.

Chap. XIV is devoted to the sense of hearing; in it Willis described the “paracusis of Willis” (p. 73). English translation, 1683.

A probable description of myasthenia gravis is given in Pars. 2, Cap. IX.

In Pars 2, Cap. III is an account of lethargy, and Cap. XIII gives an account of “stupidity or foolishness”. Part 2, Cap. 1, deals with headache.

Two Oxford editions were published in 1672; the first, in quarto, in which a description of general paralysis appears on pp. 392-432, and the second, in octavo, in which it appears on pp. 278-307. In his Practice of Physick (1684) the translation of this section appears on pp. 161-78.

Subjects: NEUROLOGY, NEUROLOGY › Chronic Pain › Headache, NEUROLOGY › Diseases of the Nervous System, NEUROLOGY › Myopathies, NEUROLOGY › Paralysis, OTOLOGY › Physiology of Hearing, PAIN / Pain Management, PSYCHOLOGY
  • 5121

Λοιμόλόγια sive pestis nuperae apud populum Londinensem grassantis narratio historica.

London: J. Nevill, 1672.

Best medical record of the Great Plague of 1665. Hodges was physician to the City of London and the medical hero of the great epidemic.

English translation by John Quincy, 1720: 

Loimologia, or, An historical account of the plague in London in 1665 : with precautionary directions against the like contagion.

Digital facsimile of the 1721 third edition of the translation from the Internet Archive at this link.


Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES › Flea-Borne Diseases › Plague (transmitted by fleas from rats to humans), INFECTIOUS DISEASE › VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES › Flea-Borne Diseases › Plague (transmitted by fleas from rats to humans) › Plague, History of
  • 6496

De morbis biblicis miscellanea medica.

Frankfurt: D. Paulli, 1672.

A study of the diseases mentioned in the Bible.

Subjects: RELIGION & Medicine & the Life Sciences
  • 7007

The American physician : or, a treatise of the roots, plants, trees, shrubs, fruit, herbs, etc., growing in the English Plantations in America ; ... whereunto is added a discourse of the Cacao-nut-Tree, and the use of its fruit ; with all the ways of making Chocolate

London: J. C. for William Crook, 1672.

The earliest work in English on the medicinal virtues of North American tropical plants. Based on first-hand observations made in the West Indies, Evidence suggests that Hughes began his career in 1651 with a privateering voyage to the West Indies, during which he traveled to Barbados, St. Kitts, Cuba, Jamaica and mainland Florida. He appears to have spent a good deal of time visiting British plantations on Jamaica and Barbados, where he observed and made descriptions of a large number of New World tropical plants including potatoes, yams, maize (“the wheat of America”), bananas, avocadoes (“Spanish pears”), chili peppers, watermelons, sugarcane, guavas, prickly pears, coconuts and manioc. Hughes’s work “contributed greatly to the spread of the American indigenous use of plants ‘either for Meat or Medicine’” (Wilson & Hurst, Chocolate as medicine [2012] p. 55). Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

  • 11640

The anatomy of vegetables begun. With an a general account of vegetation founded thereon.

London: Printed for Spencer Hickman, 1672.

"Grew was a conscious pioneer in a hitherto neglected area...  His work was primarily marked by his brilliant observation and description of plants and their component parts; having begun by making observations using only the naked eye, Grew supplemented these with the use of a microscope under the tutelage of his colleague [Robert] Hooke. His presentations to the society began in 1672–4 with the roots, branches, and trunks of plants, proceeding thereafter to their leaves, flowers, fruit, and seeds. In each area he was innovative, studying for the first time many features of plants that have since been taken for granted, such as their cell-like structure and the growth rings in wood, and deploying techniques which have since become commonplace, such as the use of transverse, radial, and tangential longitudinal sections to analyse the structure of stems and roots. He was also an innovator in the terminology he used to describe plants, first using such terms as ‘radicle’ or ‘parenchyma’, a word adapted from its use in animal anatomy by Francis Glisson. Grew was primarily interested in the morphology and taxonomy of plants, but this led him to study plant physiology; he thus considered how buds grew, how seeds developed, and other related topics. He also recognized the sexual nature of plant reproduction, though, with characteristic modesty, he acknowledged that this idea had already occurred to the physician Sir Thomas Millington" (ODNB).

Subjects: BOTANY
  • 13878

New-Englands rarities discovered: In birds, beasts, fishes, serpents, and plants of that country. Together with the physical and chyrurgical remedies wherewith the natives constantly use to cure their distempers, wounds, and sores; also A perfect description of an Indian squa, in all her bravery, with a poem not improperly conferr'd upon her; lastly, a chronological table of the most remarkable passage in that country amongst the English.

London: Printed for G. Widdowes, 1672.

Josselyn's books give some of the earliest and most complete information on New England flora and fauna in colonial times, and his outlook was later praised by Henry Thoreau, among others.
Digital facsimile from Biodiversity Heritage Library at this link.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › United States › American Northeast, Natural History, VOYAGES & Travels by Physicians, Surgeons & Scientists › History of Voyages & Travels by Physicians....
  • 468

De ovo incubato observationes.

London: J. Martyn, 1673.

First accurate description, from the microscopical point of view, of the chick embryo. See No. 467.1. English translation in No. 534.1

  • 469

Dissertatio epistolica de formatione pulli in ovo.

London: J. Martyn, 1673.

This and the De ovo incubato (No. 468) placed the study of embryology on a sound basis, surpassing in accuracy all other contemporary work on the subject and foreshadowing some of the more important general lines of research in embryology. Malpighi's study of the development of the chicken in the egg went far beyond the work of Harvey and Fabrici, dealing with the internal structures to an unprecedented extent: his chief discoveries, illustrated in his four beautifully detailed plates, were the vascular area embraced by the terminal sinus, the cardiac tube and its segmentation, the aortic arches, the somites, the neural folds and neural tube, the cerebral and optic vesicles, the protoliver, the glands of the prestomach, and the feather follicles. According to Adelmann, Malpighi illustrated very clearly the three primary brain vesicles, and then the five secondary brain vesicles (along with the two optic vesicles).English translation in No. 534.1.

Subjects: EMBRYOLOGY, EMBRYOLOGY › Neuroembryology
  • 4161
  • 4204.1

Exercitationes medicae practicae circa medendi methodum.

Leiden & Amsterdam: D. Abrahamum et Adrianum à Gaesbeck, 1673.

This work contains the first clear description of proteinuria, noting precipitation of urine with heat or acetic acid. Albuminuria was first described by Dekkers (Chapter V). A translation of this chapter is in Major, Classic descriptions of disease, 3rd ed., 1945, p. 528.

Subjects: NEPHROLOGY › Renal Disease
  • 7328

A Brief Account of Some Travels in Hungaria, Servia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Thessaly, Austria, Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, and Friuli.

London: T. R. for Benj. Tooke, 1673.

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

  • 9676

Miscellanea anatomica, hominis, brutorumque variorum, fabricam diversam magna parte exhibentia.

Amsterdam: apud Casparum Commelinum, 1673.

The "first comprehensive manual of comparative anatomy based on the original and literary researches of a working anatomist. Blasius's observation on human anatomy are followed by eighty five pages devoted to the anatomy of the dog. Regarding the anatomy of dog (Anatome Canis, pages 168 to 252), this is the first comprehensive and original treatise on a verterbrate since the publication of Ruini's volume on the horse in 1598" (Cole). Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

  • 12972

Nova medicina spirituum: Curiosa scientia & doctrina, unanimiter hucusque neglecta, & à nemine meritò exculta, medicis tamen & physicis utilissima. In quâ Primo Spirituum naturalis constitutio, vita, sanitas temperamenta, ingenia, calidum innatum, phantasiae vires, ideae, astrorum influentiae, μετεμψύχωσις, rerum magnetissimi, sympatiae & antipatiae, qualitates hactenus occultae, aliaq; caeteroquin abstrusa & paradoxa; Dehinc spirituum praeternaturalis seu morbosa Dispositio, causae, curationes per naturam, per diaetam, per arcana majora, palingenesiam, magnetissimum seu sympatheismum, transplantationes, amuleta, ingenuè & dilucidè demonstrantur.

Hamburg: Ex Officina Gothefredi Schulzen, 1673.

”A very curious work, attributing the causes of many diseases to spirits and basing their cure on this theory. There is a great deal on insanity. The methods of treatment are partly chemical, partly magnetical, even such modern ideas as suggestion and other mental treatments are proposed.” (Duveen, Bibliotheca chemica et alchemica, p. 622).

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: Chemistry › Alchemy, Magic & Superstition in Medicine, PSYCHIATRY
  • 2726.2
  • 578

Tractatus quinque medico-physici.

Oxford: e theatro Sheldoniano, 1674.

Mayow was the first to locate the seat of animal heat in the muscles; he discovered the double articulation of the ribs with the spine and came near to discovering oxygen in his suggestion that the object of breathing was to abstract from the air a definite group of life-giving “particles”. He was the first to make the definite suggestion that it is only a special fraction of the air that is of use in respiration. His Tractatus, embodying all his brilliant conclusions, is one of the best English medical classics. English translation, Edinburgh: The Alembic Club, 1907. Digital facsimile of the 1907 translation from the Internet Archive at this link. Digital facsimile of the 1674 edition from Google Books at this link. In the second edition of the Tractatus quinque Mayow recorded a case of mitral stenosis, probably the first description. Reprinted in his Medico-physical works, Edinburgh, 1907, pp. 295-97.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Heart Valve Disease, PHYSIOLOGY, RESPIRATION › Respiratory Physiology
  • 860

Microscopical observations concerning blood, milk, bones, the brain, spittle, and cuticula, etc.

Phil. Trans., 9, 121-28, 1674.

First really accurate description of the red blood corpuscles, which Swammerdam had noted in 1658.

  • 2727

Opera medica universa.

Frankfurt: J. P. Zubrodt, 1674.

Riverius was the first to note aortic stenosis (p. 638 of the above).

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Aortic Diseases, Collected Works: Opera Omnia
  • 3926
  • 5086

Pharmaceutice rationalis sive diatriba de medicamentorum operationibus in humano corpore. 2 vols.

London: Robert Scott & Oxford: e theatro Sheldoniano, 16741675.

Willis’s last work deals with the anatomy and physiology of the thoracic and abdominal organs, and contains the first description of the superficial lymphatics of the lungs, the first clinical and pathological account of emphysema, and a clear and accurate description of pertussis (whooping-cough). The book also contains the first distinction between diabetes mellitus, characterized by glycosuria, from diabetes insipidus, in which sugar is not present in the urine. Willis noted that psychogenic factors, such as grief or sadness, could bring on diabetes. The second volume, published posthumously, includes a life of the author.

Three versions of Willis’s book were published simultaneously: A quarto version with the imprint of the Sheldonian Theatre in Oxford, another quarto version with the London imprint of Robert Scott added, and a duodecimo edition

"Epidemiorum et ephemeridum libri duo, pars secunda" in vol. 2 contains (p. 99) a description of “puerorum tussis convulsiva, chincough dicta” – a clear account of whooping cough (Treatise IX, pt. 2, p. 38 of his Practice of physick, 1684).


Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Whooping Cough, Metabolism & Metabolic Disorders › Diabetes
  • 5336.1

Exercitatio de vena Medinensi, ad mentem Ebn Sinae [Ibn Sina] sive de dracunaculis veterum. Specimen exhibens novae versionis ex Arabico, cum commentario uberiori. Cui accedit altera, de vermiculis capillaribus infantium.

Augsburg: Theophil Goebel, 1674.

An exhaustive survey of dracontiasis, or guinea worm disease, based on the Arabic writings of Avicenna. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › DISEASES DUE TO METAZOAN PARASITES › Guinea Worm Disease (Dracunculiasis), MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › Medieval Islamic or Arab Medicine, PARASITOLOGY › Helminths › Parasitic Worms, PEDIATRICS
  • 7575

Gottorffische Kunst-Kammer: worinnen allerhand ungemeine Sachen, so theils die Natur, theils künstliche Hände hervor gebracht und bereitet : vor diesem aus allen vier Theilen der Welt zusammen getragen, und vor einigen Jahren beschrieben, auch mit behörigen Kupffern gezieret.

Schleswig: Auff Gottfriedt Schultzens Kosten, in dessen Buchladen zu Schlesswig solche zu finden ist, 1674.

First published in 1666.  Digital facsimile from the Biodiversity Heritage Library, Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: MUSEUMS › Natural History Museums / Wunderkammern
  • 13261

An account of two voyages to New-England. Wherein you have the setting out of a ship, with the charges; The prices of all necessaries for furnishing a planter and his family at his first coming: a description of the countrey [sic], natives, and creatures; with their merchantil [sic] and physical use; the government of the countrey as it is now possessed by the English, &c. A large chronological table of the most remarkable passages, from the first discovering of the continent of America, to the year 1673.

London: Printed for Giles Widdows, 1674.

Josselyn first visited America in 1638-39 and returned from 1663 to 1671. His second and more extensive book includes an herbal, with numerous botanical as well as medical and surgical descriptions, and is considered the "first complete description of the flora and fauna of the Middle Atlantic and New England States" (Winsor). He described the cranberry, wild turkey, blueberry, and other northeastern species for the first time. The work also deals with the practicalities and provisions necessary for the long sea-voyage, and includes a catalogue of tools and supplies essential to begin life in the colonies. John Josselyn, colonial traveler: A critical edition of Two voyages to New-England, edited by Paul J. Lindholdt. Hanover: University Press of New England, 1988.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › United States › American Northeast, NATURAL HISTORY, VOYAGES & Travels by Physicians, Surgeons & Scientists
  • 536

Anatome plantarum.

London: J. Martyn, 16751679.

Malpighi was the founder of microscopic anatomy and a pioneer in the study of plant development. He approached the subject through the study of plant tissues. His Appendix adds to the work on chick embryology Malpighi published in 1673.  As Adelmann noted (1966, p. 697), Malpighii's De ovo incubato work was submitted to Henry Oldenburg of the Royal Society in February, 1672 and the Appendix was submitted to him 8 months later, in October—although it was not published until 1675, along with the first part of the Anatome Plantarum. The second dissertation (the Appendix) was based on “an epochal advance in technique” that “was of enormous assistance to him”: the discovery that he could remove the blastoderm from the yolk and mount it on glass for examination under the microscope (Adelmann, 1966, p. 833 ff.).

Subjects: BOTANY, BOTANY › Botanical Illustration, EMBRYOLOGY, MICROBIOLOGY
  • 8451

A catalogue of chymicall books. In three parts. In the first and second parts are contained such chymical books as have been written originally, or translated into English: with a large account of their titles, several editions and volumes. Likewise in the third part is contained a collection of such things published in the Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society (for ten years together) as pertain to Chymistry, or the study of nature by art in the animal, vegetal, and mineral kingdoms. Collected by Will. Cooper, bookseller, at the pelican in Little-Britain, London.

London: William Cooper, 1675.

The first bibliography of chemistry published in England.  ESTC No. 00608591. ESTC Citation No. R20346. See William Cooper's A catalogue of chymical books, 1673-88: A verified edition by Stanford J. Linden (New York: Garland Publishing, 1987).

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Chemistry / Biochemistry, Chemistry
  • 12998

Theatrum fungorum oft het tooneel der Campernoelien. Waer inne vertoont wort de gedaente, ken-teeckens, natuere, crachten, voetsel, deught ende ondeught; mitsgaders het voorsichtigh schoonmaken ende bereyden van alderhande Fungien....

Antwerp: Joseph Jacobs, 1675.

The first separate general work on fungi, describing edible and poisonous varieties. Digital facsimile from the Hathi Trust at this link.

Subjects: BOTANY › Cryptogams › Mycology, TOXICOLOGY
  • 13272

Ephemeri Vita. Of afbeeldingh van 's menschen leven, Vertoont in de Wonderbaarlijcke en nooyt gehoorde Historie van het vliegent ende een-dagh-levent Haft of Oever-aas. Een dierken, ten aansien van sijn naam, over al in Neerlandt bekent.

Amsterdam: Abraham Wolfgang, 1675.

In his final publication Swammerdam studied the anatomy, development and behavior of the mayfly. Translated into English as Emphemeri vita: Or the natural history and anatomy of the ephemeron, a fly that lives but five hours (London, 1681). Digital text of the English translation from Early English Books Online at this link.

Subjects: ANATOMY › Comparative Anatomy, MICROBIOLOGY, ZOOLOGY › Arthropoda › Entomology, ZOOLOGY › Illustration
  • 61

Opera. 6 vols.

Lyon: J. A. Huguetan, 1676.

Besides giving early accounts of scarlatina and rubella, Sennert added to the knowledge of scurvy, dysentery and alcoholism. He was an able clinician and also a believer in witchcraft. His Opera was first published in 1641; the edition given above is regarded as the best.

Subjects: › Scurvy, Collected Works: Opera Omnia, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Scarlet Fever, TOXICOLOGY › Drug Addiction › Alcoholism
  • 62

Opera omnia. 2 vols.

Geneva: Samuel de Tournes, 16761680.

Willis was remarkable for his careful clinical observation. He was second only to Sydenham in his day. To him we owe the original descriptions of several conditions. Digital facsimile of the Lyon, 1681 edition from the Hathi Trust at this link.

Subjects: ANATOMY › Neuroanatomy, Collected Works: Opera Omnia, NEUROLOGY
  • 2198
  • 5075
  • 5441.1

Observationes medicae circa morborum acutorum historiamet curationem.

London: G. Kettilby, 1676.

Sydenham recorded significant observations on dysentery, scarlet fever (p. 387), scarlatina, measles and other conditions. He stressed the clinical study of medicine and kept careful case records. Includes (pp. 272-80) the most minute and careful description of measles that had so far appeared; this is reprinted in Med. Classics, 1939, 4, 313-19.

English translation in No. 64 and prior English editions. The above book is really a third edition of his Methodus curandi febres, 1666; second edition, 1668. The Latin texts of both editions of Methodus curandi were reprinted, with Latham’s translation, an introduction and notes by G.G. Meynell, Folkstone, Winterdoum Books, 1987.

  • 1481.2

Ophthalmo-graphia; sive, oculi eiusque partium descriptio anatomica.

Cambridge, England: J. Hart, 1676.

First English treatise on the anatomy of the eye. Briggs described the papilla of the optic disc and hypothesized that vibrations caused by rays of light striking fibers of the retina were conveyed to the papilla, and thence to the optic thalami, on the model of a spider’s web.

Subjects: OPHTHALMOLOGY › Anatomy of the Eye & Orbit, OPHTHALMOLOGY › Physiology of Vision
  • 5573

Severall chirurgicall treatises.

London: R. Royston, 1676.

Wiseman ranks in surgery as high as does Sydenham in medicine. He made many valuable contributions to the subject; he was the first to describe tuberculosis of the joints (“tumor albus”) and he gave a good account of gunshot wounds. Wiseman became surgeon to Charles II in 1672. Books V, VI, and VII reprinted, Bath, Kingsmead, 1977.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Tuberculosis, SURGERY: General
  • 7089

Ornithologiae, libri tres....Totum opus recognovit, digessit, supplevit, Joannis Raius.

London: John Martyn, Regiae Societatis typographi, 1676.

Ray and Willughby were the first ornithologists to discard the Aristotelian principles of classification by function, replacing them with a morphological system based on beak form, foot structure and body size that reflected the true relationships even better than Linnaeus's Systema naturae of sixty years later. The credit for this system almost certainly belongs to Ray, who edited and supplemented the Ornithologiae from notes left at Willughby's death, and who, during their years of partnership, had done the major part of the observations and records. In an attempt to bring order out of the chaos of tradition, Ray collated his and Willughby's observations against those recorded by all previous writers, eliminating duplicate species, species vaguely described or reported on hearsay, and species that were clearly fabulous. Revised English translation by Ray with the addition of 3 treatises on fowling, the care of songbirds, and falconry, London, 1678. Digital facsimile of the 1678 edition from the Biodiversity Heritage Library at this link.

Subjects: ZOOLOGY › Illustration, ZOOLOGY › Ornithology
  • 9511

The family physician, and the house apothecary: Containing I. Medicines against all such diseases people usually advise with apothecaries to be cured of, II. Instructions, whereby to prepare at your own houses all kinds of necessary medicines that are prepared by apothecaries, or prescribed by physicians, III. The exact prices of all drugs, herbs, seeds, simple and compound medicines, as they are sold at the druggists, or may be sold by the apothecaries, IV. That it's plainly made to appear, that in preparing medicines thus at your own houses, that it's not onely a far safer way, but you shall also save nineteen shillings in twenty, comparing it with the extravagant rates of many apothecaries.

London: Printed for T.R. , 1676.

The text of the second edition (1678) is available from Early English Books Online at this link.

Subjects: ECONOMICS, BIOMEDICAL, Household or Self-Help Medicine, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Materia medica / Herbals / Herbal Medicines
  • 13870

Relations historiques et curieuses de voyages, en Allemagne, Angleterre, Hollande, Boheme, Suisse, &c.

Rouen: Jacques Lucas, 1676.

Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link. Translated into English as Travels thro' Germany, Bohemia, Swisserland, Holland, and other parts of Europe : describing the most considerable citys and the palaces of princes : together with historical relations and critical observations upon ancient medals and inscriptions (London, 1696). 

Subjects: VOYAGES & Travels by Physicians, Surgeons & Scientists › History of Voyages & Travels by Physicians....
  • 579

Tractatus de ventriculo et intestinis.

London: H. Brome, 1677.

Glisson introduced the idea of irritability as a specific property of all human tissue, a hypothesis which had no effect upon contemporary physiology, but which was later demonstrated experimentally by Haller (No. 587).

  • 1100

Exercitatio anatomico-medica de glandulis intestinorum, earumque usu et affectionibus.

Schaffhausen: Onophrius et Waldkirch, 1677.

Independently of Bartholin and Rudbeck, George Joyliffe (1621-58) observed the lymphatics. He communicated his discovery to Glisson early in 1652 and the latter included an account in the above work (Cap. xxxi). See No. 972. Includes a description of “Peyer’s patches”, the lymphoid follicles in the small intestine which have an important role in typhoid. They were first described by J. N. Pechlin (1644-1706) in his De purgantium medicamentorum facultatibus exercitatio nova (1672).

Subjects: ANATOMY › 17th Century, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Salmonellosis › Typhoid Fever, Lymphatic System
  • 215

The primitive organization of mankind considered and examined according to the light of nature.

London: William Shrowsbery, 1677.

In response to Isaac de la Peyrere‘s theory of polygenesis, Hale, Chief Justice of the King’s Bench, advanced his own theory that the earth was not eternal, but rather had a spontaneous “beginning,” and defended “the Mosaic account of the single origin of all peoples.“ Hale also seems to have been the first to use the expression ‘Geometrical Proportion’ for the growth of a population from a single family” (Hutchinson). In this he anticipated Malthus (No. 215.4). He believed that in animals, especially insects, various natural calamities reduce the numbers to low levels intermittently, so maintaining a balance of nature. Digital facsimile from the Hathi Trust at this link.

Subjects: ANTHROPOLOGY, BIOLOGY, EVOLUTION, EVOLUTION › Human Origins / Human Evolution
  • 5406

A brief rule to guide the common-people of New-England how to order themselves and theirs in the small pocks, or measels.

Boston, MA: J. Foster, 1677.

The first medical publication of North America and the only one to appear in the 17th century. Only one copy of the original printing of this broadside survived, written by Thacher, a Boston minister.  The sheet was reprinted, with a bibliographical and biographical study of the reprints done in 1702 and 1721-22, by Henry R. Viets. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1937).

  • 5122

De postrema Melitensi lue praxis historica.

Palermo, Italy: Ex typographia Petri de Isola, 1677.

This work, recording the epidemic of plague in Malta in 1675-76, was the first medical work published by a Maltese.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Malta, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES › Flea-Borne Diseases › Plague (transmitted by fleas from rats to humans)
  • 7572

Museo Cospiano: annesso a quello del famoso Vlisse Aldrovandi e donato alla sua patria dall' illustrissimo signor Ferdinando Cospi ..., fra' gli Accademici Gelati il Fedele, e principe al presente de' medesimi.

Bologna: Giacomo Monti, 1677.

As the title indicates, the Cospi collection incorporated the earlier museum of Ulisse Aldrovandi, and Legati's catalogue is sometimes regarded as forming a 14th or supplementary volume to Aldrovandi's encyclopedic Opera omnia (13 vols., 1599-1667). "When Maximilian Misson visited the Cospi collection in 1688 what struck him most were the 'hundred and eighty-seven volumes in folio, all written by Aldrovandus in his own hand, with more than two hundred bags full of loose papers' " (Grinke, From Wunderkammer to museum (2006) No. 25). Digital facsimile from the Getty Research Institute, Internet Archive, at this link.

Subjects: MUSEUMS › Natural History Museums / Wunderkammern
  • 9394

An account of several travels through a great part of Germany: In four journeys I. From Norwich to Colen. II. From Colen to Vienna, with a particular description of that imperial city. III. From Vienna to Hamburg. IV. From Colen to London. Wherein the mines, baths, and other curiosities of those parts are treated of. Illustrated with sculptures.

London: Printed for Benj. Tooke, 1677.

Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: VOYAGES & Travels by Physicians, Surgeons & Scientists
  • 10648

Laboratorium chymicum, gehouden op het voortreffelycke Eylandt Ceylon, soo in't Animalische, Vegetabilische, als Mineralische Ryck.

Batavia (Jakarta), Indonesia: Abraham van den Eede, 1677.

The first book on the animal, vegetable and mineral medicines indigenous to Sri Lanka. Grim was a physician in the service of the VOC (the East India Company). Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Sri Lanka, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Materia medica / Herbals / Herbal Medicines
  • 12041

The astrological judgement and practice of physick, deduced from the position of the heavens at the decumbiture of a sick person.

London, 1677.

Saunders "practised astrology and cheiromancy during the golden age of the pseudo-sciences in England." The DNB characterizes this work as "a systematic exposition of astrological therapeutics, based largely upon examination of the urine, sputa, etc., by horoscopical methods. The author is held up as a ‘counterquack’ in commendatory verses by Henry Coley [q. v.], the mathematician, and others." 

Subjects: ALTERNATIVE, Complimentary & Pseudomedicine › Medical Astrology
  • 9543

Hortus Indicus Malabaricus: Continens regni Malabarici apud Indos cereberrimi onmis generis plantas rariores, Latinas, Malabaricis, Arabicis, Brachmanum charactareibus hominibusque expressas ....12 vols.

Amsterdam: sumptibus Johannis van Someren, et Joannis van Dyc, 16781703.

The earliest comprehensive printed work on the flora of Asia and the tropics in 12 folio volumes written and published under the supervision of van Rheede tot Drakenstein, a colonial administrator of the Dutch East India Company and naturalist. This set describes plants of the Malabar region which at time of publication referred to the stretch along the Western Ghats mountains from Goa to Kanyakumari. It describes 742 different plants and their indigenous science, employing a system of classification based on the traditions adopted by the practitioners of that region. In addition to their Latin names the work records plant names in  MalayalamKonkani, and Arabic. Digital facsimile of the complete set from the Biodiversity Heritage Library at this link.

Botanists collaborating in this set included:

Almeloveen, Theodoor Jansson ab, 1657-1712

Casearius, Johannes, ca. 1642-1677 

Commelin, Johannes, 1629-1692 

Dyck, Jan van. 

Munniks, Johannes, 1652-1711 

Poot, Abraham van, b. ca. 1617.- 

Someren, Joannes van.

Syen, Arnold, 1640-1678 

Boom, Henrik & Dirk. 

Subjects: BOTANY, COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › India, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Materia medica / Herbals / Herbal Medicines
  • 10158

Georgii Simonis Winteri Hippiater Expertus, Seu Medicina Equorum Absolutissima : Tribus Libris comprehensa: Quorum I. Agit de Equorum Temperamentis; Aetate cognoscenda; Morbis omnibus internis Capitis; Oculorum; Aurium; Narium; Linguae; Dentium; Oris; aliisque his similibus; II. De Affectibus internis Thoracis & Abdominis ... ; III. De omnis generis Unguentis; Oleis; Balsamis & Emplastris in genere; item de quibuscunque Morbis ac Symptomatibus externis; ut: Tumoribus, Ulceribus & Vulneribus cujuscunque generis ...

Nuremberg: Wolfgang Moritz Endter & Johannes Andreas Endter, heirs of, 1678.

Digital facsimile from Bayerische StaatsBibliothek at this link.

  • 12766

Historia animalium angliae tres tractatus. Unus de araneis. Alter de cochleis tum terrestribus tum fluviatilibus. Tertius de cochleis marinis. Quibus adjectus est quartus de lapidibus eiusem insulae ad cochlearum quandam imaginem figuratis. Memoriae & rationi.

London: Joh. Martyn Regiae Societatis Typographum, 1678.

Lister was the first arachnologist and conchologist. This work was the first organized, systematic publication on shells. In spite of the wording of the title, the work contains four sections on spiders, land snails, freshwater and saltwater molluscs, and fossil shells.  In the first section Lister wrote of the many mistakes of previous authors writing on Arachnidae, to their venom and their use (!) in therapy. He provided a classification of British spiders preceding the second chapter of the first part, describing the different species of spiders according to their aspect and their alimentary habits. An appendix to this work was published in 1681.
Digital facsimile from Biodiversity Heritage Library at this link.

Subjects: ZOOLOGY › Arthropoda, ZOOLOGY › Arthropoda › Arachnology, ZOOLOGY › Malacology
  • 13233

Microscopium, or some new discoveries made with and concerning microscopes. Lectures and Collections made by Robert Hooke, Secretary of the Royal Society, pages 81-112.

London: John Martyn, Printer to the Royal Society, 1678.

On his title page Hooke listed the contents of this section as follows:

"Mr. Leeuwenhoeck's two letters concerning some late microscopical discoveries.
"The author's discourse and description of microscopes, improved for discerning the nature and texture of bodies.
"P. Cherubine's accusations answered.
"Mr. Young's letter containing several anatomical observations."

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: Microscopy
  • 13920

Romani Collegii Societatis Jesu Musaeum celeberrimum.

Amsterdam: Janssonio-Waesbergiana, 1678.

The first catalogue of Kircher's museum collected by Kircher at the Jesuit College in Rome between 1651 and 1680. Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: MUSEUMS › Natural History Museums / Wunderkammern
  • 974.1

Cicutae aquaticae historia et noxae.

Basel: J. R. König, 1679.

This is primarily a work on the poisonous water hemlock, its dangerous effects, its medicinal uses, and antidotes to counter the poison. However, it also contains the first description of the tiny glands in the mucosa of the duodenum, now called Brunner’s glands. Brunner was the author’s father-in-law; however, Wepfer first described them in this work. "They are described in the summary of an experiment on a dog, on pages 206 and 207. Parts of the book contains letters or extracts of letters between Wepfer and other toxicologists of that era. Four engraved plates illustrate one species of the hemlock family, the roots and lower stalk, the branching stalks, the leaves and the flowers and seeds. ... Wepfer systematically studied poisons, with particular attention to the toxic water hemlocks. He was the first to analyze the pharmacological effects of coniine, an alkaloid of hemlock that was not isolated until much later; and his classic description of hemlock poisoning was often cited as the standard" (Heirs of Hippocrates 535.5). Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: ANATOMY › 17th Century, BOTANY, GASTROENTEROLOGY › Anatomy & Physiology of Digestion, PHARMACOLOGY, TOXICOLOGY
  • 2274

Sepulchretum, sive anatomia practica ex cadaveribus morbo denatis. 2 vols.

Geneva: L. Chouët, 1679.

This is the first collection of systematized pathological anatomy. It contains clinical and pathological descriptions of nearly 3,000 cases selected from the literature from the time of Hippocrates, but mainly from the 16th and 17th centuries. It is the most useful reference book for early descriptions of pathological conditions.

  • 2321

Opera medica.

Amsterdam: apud D. Elsevirium et A. Wolfgang, 1679.

Tuberculosis was known to the ancients only in its advanced form, and little progress was made in the knowledge of the condition until the time of Sylvius. He asserted that tubercles are often to be found in the lung and that they softened and suppurated to form cavities.

Subjects: Collected Works: Opera Omnia, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Tuberculosis
  • 4436

Currus triumphalis, è terebinthô. Or an account of the many admirable vertues of oleum terebinthinae. More particularly, of the good effects produced by its application to recent wounds, especially with respect to the hemorrhagies of the veins, and arteries, and the no less pernicious weepings of the nerves, and lymphaducts. Where also, the common methods, and medicaments, used to restrain hemorrhagies, are examined, and divers of them censured. And lastly, A new way of amputation, and a speedier convenient method of curing stumps, than that commonly practised, is with divers other useful matters recommended to the military surgeon.…

London: J. Martyn, 1679.

Describes how Yonge used turpentine to arrest hemorrhage, and presents the first account of a flap amputation. It also shows that Yonge was familiar with tourniquets. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: MILITARY MEDICINE, SURGERY & HYGIENE, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Amputations: Excisions: Resections, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Botanic Sources of Single Component Drugs › Turpentine, SURGERY: General › Wound Healing
  • 6744.1

Bibliotheca realis medica, omnium materiarum, rerum, et titulorum, in universa medicina occurrentium.

Frankfurt: Johannis Friderici, 1679.

The first large, well-printed bibliography of medicine, including twice as many authors as van der Linden (No. 6744). It represented an elaborate subject anaylsis, with entries arranged alphabetically by subjects, with numerous cross-references and an author index. This formed part of a six-volume work covering various sectors of learning from the beginning of printing.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographical Classics
  • 7208

Dissertation sur les dents.

Paris: Denys Thierry, 1679.

The third publication in French on dentistry, primarily plagiarized from Martinez (No. 3668.2). Martin was apothecary to Louis I, Prince of Condé, a prominent Huguenot general and founder of the House of Condé. He was born  the son of Samuel Martin (d. 1653) apothecary of Queen Marie de Medici, the second wife of King Henry IV of France, and grandson of Jean Martin, a polymath and physician to King Henry IV of France.

During his travels to Spain on a mission to collect a debt on behalf of the Prince of Condé, Martin came across Martínez's Coloquio breve y compendioso, sobre la materia de la dentadura, y maravillosa obra de la boca (1557), and decided to use material from that book without crediting it. Dissertation sur les dents consists of 14 chapters dedicated to the nature of the teeth, children's dentition, various deformities and their preservation. Martin writes about the primary dentition, the prevention of malposition, and treatment of dental trauma. Guerini points out that Martin opposed the use of the false teeth that were available at the time.

See Hagelin & Coltham, Odontologia (2015) 38. Digital facsimile from biuSanté.Paris at this link

  • 9909

A discourse of the state of health in the island of Jamaica. With a provision therefore calculated from the air, the place, and the water: the customs and manners of living, &c.

London: Printed for R. Boulter, 1679.

The first English book on tropical medicine. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

  • 10604

Tractatio med. curiosa, de ortu & occasasu transfusionis sanguins, qua haec, quae fit e bruto in brutum, a for medico penitus eliminatur; ila, quae e bruto in hominem peragitur....

Nuremberg: Johannes Zieger, 1679.

The first detailed history of efforts at blood transfusion. Mercklin was one of the earliest writers to discuss the history, value, dangers, and methods of blood transfusion. He recognized and understood what we now call a transfusion reaction. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: THERAPEUTICS › Blood Transfusion, THERAPEUTICS › Blood Transfusion › History of Blood Transfusion
  • 10958

Les nouvelles descouvertes sur toutes les parties de la medecine. Recueillies en l'année 1679.

Paris: Laurent d'Houry, 1679.

Blégny edited the first medical periodical published in the vernacular. To begin with it reported only the transactions of a medical society that Blégny organized. The periodical continued only until 1685, and the title changed several times during this brief period. See Albert G. Nicholls, "Nicolas de Blegny and the first medical periodical," Canadian Medical Association Journal, 31 (1934) 198-202.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Periodicals
  • 11881

Praecipuae opiniones physicae, passim recetae, breviter quidem sed accuratissime examinate, ex recension & distinctione Martini Fogelii ...cum annotationes quaedam accedunt accessit nunc primum eiusdem auctoris Harmonica & Isagoge phytoscopica.

Hamburg: Johannes Naumann & Stockholm: Gottried Leibezeit, 1679.

Posthumous first publication of Jungius's Isagoge phytoscopia, an expansion or supplement to his system of botanical classification first published in his Doxoscopiae physicae minores (1662). The second edition of the Doxoscopiae was included in this edition, which was edited by Jungius's student, Martin Fogel. Jungius was the first to appreciate and expand upon the botanical ideas of Cesalpino. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: BOTANY › Classification / Systemization of Plants
  • 13822

Catalogus librorum . . . Bibliothecarum . . . Stephani Watkins . . . Thomas Sherley . . . Per Gulielmum Cooperum . . .Little Britain.

London, 1679.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Catalogues of Physicians' / Scientists' Libraries