An Interactive Annotated World Bibliography of Printed and Digital Works in the History of Medicine and the Life Sciences from Circa 2000 BCE to 2022 by Fielding H. Garrison (1870-1935), Leslie T. Morton (1907-2004), and Jeremy M. Norman (1945- ) Traditionally Known as “Garrison-Morton”

16032 entries, 14099 authors and 1944 subjects. Updated: October 19, 2024

Browse by Publication Year 1510–1519

17 entries
  • 11034

La cyrogia di Miastro Bruno: Expertissimo in quella. Tradutta in vulgare.

Venice: Simon de Luere, 1510.

Bruno da Longoburgo studied surgery in Bologna or possibly Padua, and practiced in the latter city, where he helped found the University of Padua. His Chirurgia magna, completed in 1252, antedates those of Lanfranch, Henri de Mondeville, Guy de Chauliac and Gulielmo da Saliceto, even though it did not appear in print until the end of the fifteenth century, when it was included in the Chirurgia magna (1498) of Guy de Chauliac. It was was first published separately in this 1510 Italian translation. 

Bruno’s Chirurgia magna was the first surgical treatise of its time to draw upon the works of Arabic authors, primarily Albucasis. The work is divided into two books of twenty chapters each: The first book deals with wound surgery, fractures and the nerves, while the second book discusses the surgery of specific parts (eyes, nose, lips, ears), the treatment of burns, and conditions such as hernia, cancer and bladder stones, as well as operations on the teeth and the antrum of Highmore (maxillary sinus). Bruno was “an experienced surgeon,and refer[red] many times to his own observations” (Sarton, Introduction to the History of Science, 2, p. 1077).

  • 9183

Libellus de lapidibus preciosis nuper editus.

Vienna: per Hieronymum Vietorem Philouallem, 1511.

The earliest medieval lapidary, and also the one which was quoted most widely. By the fourteenth century it was translated into French, Provençal, Italian, Irish, and Danish, and it was the first of Marbodius's works to be printed. Marbodus, Bishop of Rennes, wrote his lapidary in 734 Latin hexameters between the years 1061 and 1081. The poem described 60 stones, including their magical and medical properties. 14 printed editions appeared between 1511 and 1741. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: MEDIEVAL MEDICINE , Magic & Superstition in Medicine, Minerals and Medicine
  • 571

Divini Gregorii Nyssae episcopi qui fuit frater Basilii Magni libri octo. I. De homine. II. De anima. III. De elementis. IIII. De viribus animae. V. De voltario etinuoltario. VI. De fato. VII. De libero arbitrio. VIII. De prouidentia.

Strassburg, Austria: ex officina libraria Matthiae Schurerii Selestensis, 1512.
Nemesius title page

Nemesius’ De natura hominis, a physiological and psychological study of man, was highly esteemed during the Middle Ages. Nemesius, who wrote in the 4th century CE, was one of the first to propose that mental processes were localized in the cells or ventricles of the brain; his comments on the heartbeat and pulse have been erroneously interpreted as an anticipation of Harvey’s theory of the circulation. English translation, London, 1636. New English translation: Nemesius on the nature of man. Translated with an introduction and notes by R. W. Sharples and P. J. van der Eijk (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2008).

Digital facsimile from at this link.

  • 2269

Galen: De affectorum locorum notitia libri vi.

Paris: Officina Henrici Stephani , 1513.

First separate dated Latin translation of De locis affectis, made by Wilhelm Copp of Basel. In this work devoted to pathology, Galen made many valuable deductions on inflammation and on tumors. He was familiar with cholera, hydrophobia, and malaria, the relations of urinary calculi to the kidney, ureter, and bladder. He recognized bronchitis, empyema, consumption, and pyuria. English translation by Rudolph E. Siegel, Basel, 1976.

Subjects: ANCIENT MEDICINE › Roman Empire, NEPHROLOGY › Renal Disease › Renal Calculi (Kidney Stones), PATHOLOGY
  • 6138

Der Swangern Frauwen und Hebammen Rosegarten.

Strassburg, Austria: Martin Flach, 1513.

The earliest printed textbook for midwives. It underwent over 100 editions, being used as late as 1730. The first edition was published in Strassburg by Martin Flach in 1513. This was demonstrated most recently by Lawrence I. Longo in his entry on Rösslin's work in Haskell Norman's One hundred books famous in medicine (1995) No. 13. Based upon the research of Benzing, Longo also described and illustrated two undated issues of Rösslin's work which previously had been assigned to 1513. Because it was thought for a long time that three issues appeared the same year, there was some confusion among bibliographers as to which, if any, could be shown to be first. However, Benzing convincingly assigned one of the undated issues to circa 1515 and the other to circa 1518. Georg Klein, Eucharius Rösslin's 'Rosengarten' gedruckt im Jahre 1513 reprinted in facsimile (Munich, 1910) the undated edition, now assigned to circa 1515 issued in Hagenau by Heinrich Gran. This was titled Der Swangern frawen und hebammē rosengartē. Klein also issued "Zur Bio-und Bibliographie Rösslins und seines 'Rosengartens', Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin 3 (1910). The third variant, now assigned to 1518, was issued in Cologne by Arnt von Aich, but with the title Der swangeren Frawen und Hebammen Rosegarten.

Other studies include Sir D’Arcy Power’s article in The Library, 1927, 4 ser. 8, 1-37, subsequently reprinted in book form, and A.M. Hellman, A collection of early obstetrical books… including 25 editions of Roesslin’s Rosengarten (New Haven: Privately printed, 1952). In 1956 Josef Benzing of Mainz published "Zu den ersten Ausgaben des 'Rosengartens' von Eucharius Rösslin," Das Antiquariat, Wien, 12, Nr.5/6, 57-58. This remains the best critical analysis of the three earliest editions of Rösslin in German.

For the background to Rösslin's book see Monica H. Green, "The sources of Eucharius Rösslin's 'Rosegarden for pregnant women and midwives (1513)", Medical History, 53, 167-192, available from PubMedCentral at this link.


  • 2664

Galen: De differentiis morborum libri ii…

Paris: Officina Henrici Stephani , 1514.

First Renaissance Latin translation by Niccolò Leoniceno of Vicenza of Galen's work on physical diagnosis.

  • 5559.1

Practica in arte chirurgica copiosa… continens novem libros.

Rome: per S. Guillireti et H. Bononiensem, 1514.

The first complete system of surgery after that of Guy de Chauliac. In 1503 Vigo became the personal surgeon to Pope Julius II. His Practica in arte chirurgia copiosa was completed in 1514 and first published in Latin. It consists of nine books ranging from a consideration of anatomy necessary for a surgeon, to sections on abscesses, wounds, ulcers, benign and malignant tumors, fractures and dislocations, pharmaceuticals, ointments and plasters, as well as sections on dentistry, exercise, diet, syphilis, among others.

De Vigo introduced a novel approach for treating mandible dislocations and described a trephine he invented, as well as a number of new instruments. He had a broad spectrum of knowledge in surgery based in part on the ancient Greek and Arabic medical literature, but mainly on his personal experience.  He contributed significantly to the revival of medicine in the sixteenth century, and can be considered as a bridge between Greek medicine of antiquity, Arabic medicine, and the Renaissance. His Practica contains an account of gunshot wounds and a section on syphilis. The book went through 40 editions; an English translation by B. Traheron was published in London, 1543. 

  • 5560

Feldtbuch der wundartzney.

Strassburg, Austria: J. Schott, 1517.

Gersdorff performed nearly 200 amputations. He opposed Paré’s abandonment of boiling oil for the cauterization of wounds. The book contains some instructive pictures of early surgical procedures and includes the first printed picture of an amputation. It also contains a famous image of a craniotomy. Reprinted, Darmstadt, 1967. Digital facsimile from Heidelberger historische Bestände at this link.

Subjects: NEUROSURGERY, SURGERY: General , SURGERY: General › Notable Surgical Illustrations
  • 6944

Galeni de sanitate tuenda libri sex.

Paris: Guillaume le Rouge, 1517.

First separate dated Latin translation of Galen's De sanitate tuenda (On the preservation of health), which contained his views on maintaining health and hygiene and preventing disease. Translated from the Greek by Thomas Linacre.

Subjects: ANCIENT MEDICINE › Roman Empire, Hygiene, PUBLIC HEALTH
  • 7111

Oppianou Alieuticon biblia pente. Tou autou Kynegetikon biblia tessara. Oppiani De piscibus libri V. Eiusdem De venatione libri IV. Oppiani De piscibus Laurentio Lippio interprete libri V.

Venice: in aedibus Aldi et Andreae Asulani Soceri, 1517.

First edition in print of Oppian of Apamea's Cynegetica (Κυνηγετικά/KynÄ“getiká, 'On Hunting' ), a didactic poem in 2144 hexameters and 4 books, dedicated to the emperor Caracalla (Marcus Aurelius Severus Antoninus Augustus). Its author is to not be confused with Oppian of Anazarbus, although in antiquity both didactic poems were attributed to a single author with this name, perhaps because they were combined in a single edition, beginning with Halieutiká, or because the author of Cynegetica circulated his own work under the name of the predecessor he imitated. In this Aldine edition the Greek texts of the works of both Oppians were combined, along with their translation by Lorenzo Lippi; however, only the Cynegetica was printed for the first time. Cynegetica was written after 198 CE (conquest of the city of Ctesiphon). In addition to information on hunting techniques with dogs and horses, the work includes a great deal of zoological information as hunters needed to know as much as possible about the animals they hunted, their habits and methods appropriate to their capture, etc. The only surviving illuminated manuscript of the text is the 10th century codex from the library of Basilios Bessarion in the Biblioteca nazionale Marciana, Venice, designated cod. Gr. Z. 479. It includes 187 miniature paintings. 

Subjects: NATURAL HISTORY › Late Antiquity, ZOOLOGY › Ichthyology, Zoology, Natural History, Ancient Greek / Roman / Egyptian
  • 4850.2

Tractatus de fractura calve sive cranei.

Bologna: Hieronymus de Bendictis, 1518.

The first separate treatise on head wounds and their surgical treatment. Berengario described several types of skull fractures and grouped the resulting lesions according to their symptoms, citing the relation between location and neurological effect. The book also discussed apoplexy, meningitis and paralysis.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Neuroinfectious Diseases › Meningitis, NEUROLOGY, NEUROSURGERY, NEUROSURGERY › Head Injuries
  • 2666

HOC.IN.VOLVMINE.ACTVARI.GRÆCI auctoris medici praestantissimi digesti sunt de urinis libri septem de græco sermone in latinum conversi: in quibus omnia: que de urinis dici possunt: sive practicam sive Theoricam: sive cognitionem: sive prognostica quæsiveris: doctissime tractata continentur, Unde lector optime: si diligenter his libris infadaveris glumam paucă ex aliorsi lectionet: ex hac ipsa grans multum te colle gisse cognoveris.

Venice: Bernardinus Vitalis, 1519.

The most complete medieval treatise on urinoscopy, translated from the Greek by Ambrogio Leone  (1458/9- 1525) professor of medicine in Naples). Johannes Actuarius, the last of the great Byzantine physicians, was first to use a graduated glass for its examination. Actuarius or Actarius (Greek: ἀκτουάριος), was a title applied to officials of varying functions in the late Roman and Byzantine empires. By 12th century, or perhaps in the 11th century, the term came to be applied to prominent physicians, possibly those attached to the imperial court. By the 16th century the title Actuarius was conflated as Joannes's last name. Digital facsimile of the 1519 edition from Google Books at this link. Partial English translation in No. 2241.

  • 3048

Liber theoricae nec non practicae Alsaharavii.

Augsburg: imp. S. Grimm & M. Vuirsung, 1519.

This is the first printing of the medical and therapeutic section of Abul Qasim’s medical encyclopedia or al-Tasrif. It contains what is probably the earliest description of hemophilia (fol. 145). Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

  • 6790

Synonima und gerecht vrlegug der Auslegung der Wörter, so man dan in der Artzny, allen Krütern, Wurtzlen, Blümen, Somen, Gesteinen, Safften vnn anderen Digen zu schreiben ist.

Strassburg, Austria: Johann Grüninger, 1519.

Digital facsimile from Universität Wien at this link.

Subjects: Dictionaries, Biomedical › Lexicography, Biomedical
  • 1959
  • 6943

Galeni methodus medendi, vel de morbis curandis.

Paris: Didier Maheu for Godefrid Hittorp, 1519.

The first separately published Latin translation from the Greek by Thomas Linacre. Galen's Method of medicine was a systematic and comprehensive account of the principles of treating injury and disease and one of Galen’s greatest and most influential works. Enlivening the detailed case studies Galen presented are many theoretical and polemical discussions, acute social commentary, and personal reflections. The British physician, scholar and humanist Linacre was one of the first Englishmen to study Greek in Italy and to bring the "new learning" of Renaissance humanism back to his native land. As few English printers issued books in Latin, Linacre had his translation published in France. It was reprinted many times during the 16th century. Reflecting demand for the work, the Greek editio princeps of Methodus medendi was published at Venice from the press of Z. Callierges in 1500--one of the earliest of Galen's works to appear in the original Greek. Books 3-6 of the 14 were published in an English translation by T. Gale, in London, 1566. The complete Method of medicine was translated into English by Ian Johnston and G. H. R. Hosley for the Loeb Classical Library, 3 vols., Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2011.

Galen’s shorter textbook on these subjects, Ad Glauconem de medendi methodo, was translated into French by C. Daremberg in Oeuvres anatomiques, physiologiques et médicales de Galien, Paris, 1856, 2, 706-784.

  • 9847

De guaiaci medicina et morbo gallico liber unus.

Mainz: J. Scheffer, 1519.

The German scholar, poet, satirist and reformer von Hutten issued a remarkably widely published and influential account of his suffering from syphilis and his treatment with gum from Guaiacum wood. This is considered one of the first patient narratives. The tract was translated into German, French, and English, and often reprinted. The first English translation was Of the Wood Called Guaiacum, that healeth the frenche pockes, and also helpeth the goute in the feete, the stone, palsey, lepre, dropsy, fallyinge euyll, and other diseses (London, 1540). Digital facsimile of the 1519 edition from Google Books at this link. Lewis Jillings, "The aggression of the cured syphilitic: Ulrich von Hutten's projection of his disease as metaphor," The German Quarterly, 68 (1995) 1-18.

  • 9962

Summa de Geografia que trata de todas las partidas e provincias del mundo en especial de las indias e trata largamente del arte del marcar...

Seville: Jacobo Cronberger, 1519.

This was the first book on the Americas printed in Spanish. "Enciso was the first conquistadore to take up his pen with educational intent." In this general treatise on geography Enciso included a discussion of the fauna of America and especially of native plants, concentrating on those which were edible. See Gerbi, Nature in the New World (1985) 85-88. Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: BOTANY, COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Latin America, NATURAL HISTORY, VOYAGES & Travels by Physicians, Surgeons & Scientists